Friday, 1 March 2019


Preparation task for ASSIGNMENT 2 - FILM REMAKES

Select a contemporary film that is a remake. For HOMEWORK watch both versions,
so you can talk about them fully. Pick a films you can get or stream.
This will help you decide on the film for your report.
See the following links:
Ultimate Movie Remakes List - IMDB

Answer the following questions about it, in preparation for your REPORT.

  1. The cultural background of the films
    • Zeitgeist - "the defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history as shown by the ideas and beliefs of the time."
    • Historical context: Key events of the time, Key films of the time - Subject matters/themes, popular culture
  2. Who produced and directed the films
  3. Do they have any stars?
  4. The budget assigned to the films - CONSIDER INFLATION
  5. Which country did the funding come from for both films? (Hollywood, Bollywood, British or ‘developing countries’ films?)
  6. What production house/s made the films
  7. Is it an international co-production?
  8. Can either film be considered an ‘independent’ or ‘mainstream’ film?
  9. Did they receive any funding from ‘funding bodies’?
  10. What technologies were used in the production?
  11. Who distributed the films in the UK and worldwide?
  12. What cinemas may have shown the films in the UK and worldwide?
  13. Do they fit into a particular genre or ‘cycle’ of films?
  14. What certificate did they receive in the UK, and why did they receive that certificate?
  15. Are they part of a series of films i.e sequels?
  16. Who was the production company?
  17. Do the production companies also distribute films or own any cinemas?

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